Dr. Gross, a pediatric psychologist and board certified behavior analyst, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota, as well as the Division Director of the Clinical Behavioral Neuroscience Division. She has served on the executive committee of the Center for Pediatric Obesity Medicine (CPOM) since its inception in 2017. Dr. Gross has clinical and research interests in pediatric weight management and weight loss surgery. Specifically, in addition to being a co-investigator on NIH-funded clinical trials, she is principal investigator of an R01 investigating neurobehavioral predictors of weight loss and weight loss maintenance to lifestyle modification therapy and pharmacotherapy for adolescents with obesity. Her research portfolio also includes being the principal investigator on studies assessing neurobehavioral functioning and neurocircuitry of adolescents with severe obesity, as well as evaluating a family-based time limited eating intervention.